For telecoms companies, staying ahead of the competition and on the front-line of technological innovation is vital.

Our operating system technologies is designed to be integrated into your network, helping you unlock the as-yet untapped potential in drone technology leveraging your existing capabilities, while giving you the platform needed to start offering new capabilities.

  • Sell SIM-based identity services and telemetry packages

  • Offer national-level services for UTM & U-Space

  • Local & Remote Network ID compatibility

  • Extensible

"As drone numbers continue to rise, there is an urgent need to safely integrate commercial drones into global airspace alongside manned aviation."

Gerry McQuade, CEO, BT’s Enterprise Unit.

Our Solutions

Our solutions are designed to fully integrate drones safely into everyday activities and systems, while remaining fully future-proof to evolve with the changes which are yet to come in this otherwise very emergent industry.

Drone Safety Map showing flight restrictions and drone flights through Altitude Angel

Enable New Services

Unlock the potential of drones to enhance your business’ offering to both consumers and commercial enterprises

Modern telecoms companies operating in today’s ever-changing technological landscape need to ensure the services they are providing are advanced enough to set them apart from competitors without compromising on safety and security. Altitude Angel gives telecoms companies the ability to provide a safe, reliable and accurate system to drone operators and commercial enterprises and unlock the ability to provide a connected drone subscription package to consumers.

Small UAV carrying medical delivery package

Utilise Existing Infrastructure

Add value to your existing infrastructure and maximise revenue with minimal investment

With existing infrastructure in place, it is important that your organisation is able to effectively maintain and improve your services without incurring additional costs. Our platform enables companies to manage drones and UAVs deployed through their network and reduce the additional safety and financial cost incurred through the use of larger manned aircraft or manned operations, such as tower climbs.

Air traffic control tower

Provide a National UTM Service

Become the gateway to thousands of drone pilots by providing access to airspace through your technology

As your organisation continues to innovate and accelerate the power of information networks, you need to ensure that your technology is able to provide the most comprehensive, accurate and featured service to consumers. Altitude Angel’s platform will enable you to be at the forefront of the unmanned-vehicle ecosystem, by providing access to an ever-growing network of UAVs and drone operators and cutting-edge industry insights and technology.

Multiple UAVs carrying delivery boxes over urban area

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